MustacheMarch4PD sends group to DC

MustacheMarch4PD sends group to DC

The local police support organization #MustacheMarch4PD recently sent a contingent of local law enforcement personnel to Washington, DC for Police Week activities. The organization was formed in the aftermath of Officer Blake Snyder’s death as a way to show support...
2023 Impact

2023 Impact

The support from our SPONSORS, friends, families and surrounding communities makes this night possible! MM4PD provided funding for 12 officers to attend National Police week & distributed almost $60,000 to 13 local police departments.
Why I joined MM4PD by Wesley Strowmatt

Why I joined MM4PD by Wesley Strowmatt

Why I joined MM4PD Recently I was asked why I decided to be involved with the Mustache March 4PD organization. I gave a brief answer to keep the conversation moving, but that question and my short answer has been in my thoughts all day. My answer wasn’t a lie, but it...