What does MM4PD do for the Police Community?
The Mustache March 4PD mission is to continuously raise funds for local police departments utilizing a volunteer group of dedicated individuals. The ultimate goal is to steadily increase the amount of assistance available to local police agencies and create a pro-law enforcement community.

What can you do to help?
We need you! We can’t provide necessary assistance to local police departments without donations from our community and people just like you! Each year our organization hosts a large fundraising event in March. We need sponsorships to make this event possible! This is a great opportunity for yourself or your business to make a donation.

Alton Police Department
Bethalto Police Department
Brighton Police Department
Bunker Hill Police Department
East Alton Police Department
Grafton Police Department
Hamel Police Department
Hartford Police Department
Jerseyville Police Department
Jersey County Sheriff’s Department
Madison County Sheriff’s Department
Pontoon Beach Police Department
Roxana Police Department
South Roxana Police Department
Wood River Police Department
Back to School Night
Anti-bullying Backpacks
Gas Grill
Shop Vac to Clean Patrol Cars
Safety Lanterns for Seminar
Gift Cards/Car Wash Tokens
Fitness Equipment for Gym
Trail Cameras
Boys & Girls Club Programs
Patches & Badges Program
TV Monitor to watch Alton PD’s License plate reader on bridge.
DARE Program
Cameras for Surveillance
Fitness Equipment
Honor Guard Flag
PSA Videoss
Library Parties with Cops
Honor Guard Uniforms
Gas Gift Cards
PD Breakroom Remodel
Shotgun/Rifle Mounts for Patrol Cars
Police Car Radios
Active Shooter Response Kits/Gear
Police Uniforms
Patrol Desk Computer & Radio
Police Youth Camps
Portable Police Radios
Donations have also been made to other local charities and nonprofits including: The Trooper Kyle Detherage Memorial Fund, The Captain Jake Ringering Memorial Fund, Blake Curtis Snyder Memorial Golf Tournament, and local Fire Departments. In 2023 a group of local police officers were sponsored to spend a week being honored at Police Week in Washington, D.C.

News & Events
Throughout the year, MM4PD is making an impact on the Police Community.
Here are some things we are busy doing to provide much needed assistance to our local Police Departments.

EMAIL: info@mustachemarch4pd.com
ADDRESS: P.O. Box 194 | Godfrey, IL 62035
MM4PD is based in Alton, IL and serves many local Police Departments.